Java Program to Implement Borwein Algorithm

This is a Java Program to Implement Borwein Algorithm. Borwein’s algorithm is an algorithm devised by Jonathan and Peter Borwein to calculate the value of 1/π.

Here is the source code of the Java Program to Implement Borwein Algorithm. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Windows system. The program output is also shown below.

 **  Java Program to Implement Borwein Algorithm
import java.util.Scanner;
/** Class Borwein **/
public class Borwein
    /** compute 1/pi **/
    public double getOneByPi(int k)
        double ak = 6.0 - 4 * Math.sqrt(2);
        double yk = Math.sqrt(2) - 1.0;
        double ak1 ;
        double yk1 ;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            yk1 = (1 - Math.pow((1 - yk * yk * yk * yk),(0.25)))/(1 + Math.pow((1 - yk * yk * yk * yk),(0.25)));
            ak1 = ak * Math.pow((1 + yk1), 4) - Math.pow(2, 2 * i + 3) * yk1 * (1 + yk1 + yk1 * yk1);
            yk = yk1;
            ak = ak1;
        return ak;
    /** Main function **/
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Borwein 1/Pi Algorithm Test\n");
        /** Make an object of Borwein class **/
        Borwein b = new Borwein();
        System.out.println("Enter number of iterations ");
        int k = scan.nextInt();
        System.out.println("\nValue of 1/pi : "+ b.getOneByPi(k));


Borwein 1/Pi Algorithm Test
Enter number of iterations
Value of 1/pi : 0.31830988618379075