In this program, you’ll learn to calculate the area of a triangle and display it.
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Python programming topics:
If a, b and c are three sides of a triangle. Then,
s = (a+b+c)/2 area = √(s(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
Source Code:
# Python Program to find the area of triangle a = 5 b = 6 c = 7 # Uncomment below to take inputs from the user # a = float(input('Enter first side: ')) # b = float(input('Enter second side: ')) # c = float(input('Enter third side: ')) # calculate the semi-perimeter s = (a + b + c) / 2 # calculate the area area = (s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) ** 0.5 print('The area of the triangle is %0.2f' %area)
The area of the triangle is 14.70
In this program, area of the triangle is calculated when three sides are given using Heron’s formula.
If you need to calculate area of a triangle depending upon the input from the user, input() function can be used.
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