Java Program to Implement Control Table

This Java program is to implement control table. Control tables are tables that control the control flow or play a major part in program control. There are no rigid rules about the structure or content of a control table—its qualifying attribute is its ability to direct control flow in some way through “execution” by a processor or interpreter. The design of such tables is sometimes referred to as table-driven design.
In perhaps its simplest implementation, a control table may sometimes be a one-dimensional table for directly translating a raw data value to a corresponding subroutine offset, index or pointer using the raw data value either directly as the index to the array, or by performing some basic arithmetic on the data beforehand.

Here is the source code of the Java program to implement control table. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class ControlTable
    private Map<String,Integer> controlTable;
    public ControlTable()
        controlTable = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); 
    public int[] controlTable(int[] asciiCodes)
        int[] index = new int[asciiCodes.length];
        for (int val = 0; val < asciiCodes.length; val++)
            index[val] = controlTable.get(Integer.toHexString(asciiCodes[val]));
        return index;
    private void populateTable()
        controlTable.put(Integer.toHexString(65), 01);
        controlTable.put(Integer.toHexString(68), 04);
        controlTable.put(Integer.toHexString(77), 03);
        controlTable.put(Integer.toHexString(83), 02);
    public static void main (String...arg)
        int[] asciiCodes = new int[4];
        int[] tableOutput;
        asciiCodes [0] = (int) 'A';
        asciiCodes [1] = (int) 'D';
        asciiCodes [2] = (int) 'M';
        asciiCodes [3] = (int) 'S';
        ControlTable controlTable = new ControlTable();
        tableOutput = controlTable.controlTable(asciiCodes);
        System.out.println("Input values ");
        System.out.print("( ");
        for (int i = 0; i < asciiCodes.length; i++)
            System.out.print((char)asciiCodes[i] + " ");	
        System.out.println("New Index from Control table");
        System.out.print("( ");
        for (int i = 0; i < tableOutput.length; i++)
            System.out.print(tableOutput[i] + " ");
$java ControlTable
Input values 
( A D M S )
New Index from control table
( 1 4 3 2 )