This Java program,represents a given graph in the form of Adjacency list.
Here is the source code of the Java program to display a linked list in reverse. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; public class GraphAdjacencyList { /* Makes use of Map collection to store the adjacency list for each vertex.*/ private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> Adjacency_List; /* * Initializes the map to with size equal to number of vertices in a graph * Maps each vertex to a given List Object */ public GraphAdjacencyList(int number_of_vertices) { Adjacency_List = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); for (int i = 1 ; i <= number_of_vertices ; i++) { Adjacency_List.put(i, new LinkedList<Integer>()); } } /* Adds nodes in the Adjacency list for the corresponding vertex */ public void setEdge(int source , int destination) { if (source > Adjacency_List.size() || destination > Adjacency_List.size()) { System.out.println("the vertex entered in not present "); return; } List<Integer> slist = Adjacency_List.get(source); slist.add(destination); List<Integer> dlist = Adjacency_List.get(destination); dlist.add(source); } /* Returns the List containing the vertex joining the source vertex */ public List<Integer> getEdge(int source) { if (source > Adjacency_List.size()) { System.out.println("the vertex entered is not present"); return null; } return Adjacency_List.get(source); } /* * Main Function reads the number of vertices and edges in a graph. * then creates a Adjacency List for the graph and prints it */ public static void main(String...arg) { int source , destination; int number_of_edges,number_of_vertices; int count = 1; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; try { /* Read the number of vertices and edges in graph */ System.out.println("Enter the number of vertices and edges in graph"); number_of_vertices = scan.nextInt(); number_of_edges = scan.nextInt(); GraphAdjacencyList adjacencyList = new GraphAdjacencyList(number_of_vertices); /* Reads the edges present in the graph */ System.out.println("Enter the edges in graph Format : <source index> <destination index>"); while (count <= number_of_edges) { source = scan.nextInt(); destination = scan.nextInt(); adjacencyList.setEdge(source, destination); count++; } /* Prints the adjacency List representing the graph.*/ System.out.println ("the given Adjacency List for the graph \n"); for (int i = 1 ; i <= number_of_vertices ; i++) { System.out.print(i+"->"); List<Integer> edgeList = adjacencyList.getEdge(i); for (int j = 1 ; ; j++ ) { if (j != edgeList.size()) { System.out.print(edgeList.get(j - 1 )+"->"); }else { System.out.print(edgeList.get(j - 1 )); break; } } System.out.println(); } } catch(InputMismatchException inputMismatch) { System.out.println("Error in Input Format. \nFormat : <source index> <destination index>"); } scan.close(); } }
$javac $java GraphAdjacencyList Enter the number of vertices and edges in graph 4 5 Enter the edges in graph Format : <source index> <destination index> 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 3 the given Adjacency List for the graph 1->2->4->3 2->1->3 3->2->4->1 4->3->1
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