Table of Contents
1. Introduction
GraphQL is a relatively new concept from Facebook that is billed as an alternative to REST for Web APIs.
This article will give an introduction to setting up a GraphQL server using Spring Boot so that it can be added to existing applications or used in new ones.
2. What Is GraphQL?
Traditional REST APIs work with the concept of Resources that the server manages. These resources can be manipulated in some standard ways, following the various HTTP verbs. This works very well as long as our API fits the resource concept, but quickly falls apart when we need to deviate from it.
This also suffers when the client needs data from multiple resources at the same time. For example, requesting a blog post and the comments. Typically this is solved by either having the client make multiple requests or by having the server supply extra data that might not always be required, leading to larger response sizes.
GraphQL offers a solution to both of these problems. It allows for the client to specify exactly what data is desired, including from navigating child resources in a single request, and allows for multiple queries in a single request.
It also works in a much more RPC manner, using named queries and mutations instead of a standard mandatory set of actions. This works to put the control where it belongs, with the API developer specifying what is possible, and the API consumer what is desired.
For example, a blog might allow the following query:
query { recentPosts(count: 10, offset: 0) { id title category author { id name thumbnail } } }
This query will:
- request the ten most recent posts
- for each post, request the ID, title, and category
- for each post request the author, returning the ID, name, and thumbnail
In a traditional REST API, this either needs 11 requests – 1 for the posts and 10 for the authors – or needs to include the author details in the post details.
2.1. GraphQL Schemas
The GraphQL server exposes a schema describing the API. This scheme is made up of type definitions. Each type has one or more fields, which each take zero or more arguments and return a specific type.
The graph is made up from the way these fields are nested with each other. Note that there is no need for the graph to be acyclic – cycles are perfectly acceptable – but it is directed. That is, the client can get from one field to its children, but it can’t automatically get back to the parent unless the schema defines this explicitly.
An example GraphQL Schema for a blog may contain the following definitions, describing a Post, an Author of the post and a root query to get the most recent posts on the blog.
type Post { id: ID! title: String! text: String! category: String author: Author! } type Author { id: ID! name: String! thumbnail: String posts: [Post]! } # The Root Query for the application type Query { recentPosts(count: Int, offset: Int): [Post]! } # The Root Mutation for the application type Mutation { writePost(title: String!, text: String!, category: String) : Post! }
The “!” at the end of some names indicates that this is a non-nullable type. Any type that does not have this can be null in the response from the server. The GraphQL service handles these correctly, allowing us to request child fields of nullable types safely.
The GraphQL Service also exposes the schema itself using a standard set of fields, allowing any client to query for the schema definition ahead of time.
This can allow for the client to automatically detect when the schema changes, and to allow for clients that dynamically adapt to the way that the schema works. One incredibly useful example of this is the GraphiQL tool – discussed later – that allows for us to interact with any GraphQL API.
3. Introducing GraphQL Spring Boot Starter
The Spring Boot GraphQL Starter offers a fantastic way to get a GraphQL server running in a very short time. Combined with the GraphQL Java Tools library, we need only write the code necessary for our service.
3.1. Setting up the Service
All we need for this to work is the correct dependencies:
<dependency> <groupId>com.graphql-java</groupId> <artifactId>graphql-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>5.0.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.graphql-java</groupId> <artifactId>graphql-java-tools</artifactId> <version>5.2.4</version> </dependency>
Spring Boot will automatically pick these up and set up the appropriate handlers to work automatically.
By default, this will expose the GraphQL Service on the /graphql endpoint of our application and will accept POST requests containing the GraphQL Payload. This endpoint can be customised in our file if necessary.
3.2. Writing the Schema
The GraphQL Tools library works by processing GraphQL Schema files to build the correct structure and then wires special beans to this structure. The Spring Boot GraphQL starter automatically finds these schema files.
These files need to be saved with the extension “.graphqls” and can be present anywhere on the classpath. We can also have as many of these files as desired, so we can split the scheme up into modules as desired.
The one requirement is that there must be exactly one root query, and up to one root mutation. This can not be split across files, unlike the rest of the scheme. This is a limitation of the GraphQL Schema definition itself, and not of the Java implementation.
3.3. Root Query Resolver
The root query needs to have special beans defined in the Spring context to handle the various fields in this root query. Unlike the schema definition, there is no restriction that there only be a single Spring bean for the root query fields.
The only requirements are that the beans implement GraphQLQueryResolver and that every field in the root query from the scheme has a method in one of these classes with the same name.
public class Query implements GraphQLQueryResolver { private PostDao postDao; public List<Post> getRecentPosts(int count, int offset) { return postsDao.getRecentPosts(count, offset); } }
The names of the method must be one of the following, in this order:
- <field>
- is<field> – only if the field is of type Boolean
- get<field>
The method must have parameters that correspond to any parameters in the GraphQL schema, and may optionally take a final parameter of type DataFetchingEnvironment.
The method must also return the correct return type for the type in the GraphQL scheme, as we are about to see. Any simple types – String, Int, List, etc. – can be used with the equivalent Java types, and the system just maps them automatically.
The above defined the method getRecentPosts which will be used to handle any GraphQL queries for the recentPosts field in the schema defined earlier.
3.4. Using Beans to Represent Types
Every complex type in the GraphQL server is represented by a Java bean – whether loaded from the root query or from anywhere else in the structure. The same Java class must always represent the same GraphQL type, but the name of the class is not necessary.
Fields inside the Java bean will directly map onto fields in the GraphQL response based on the name of the field.
public class Post { private String id; private String title; private String category; private String authorId; }
Any fields or methods on the Java bean that do not map on to the GraphQL schema will be ignored, but will not cause problems. This is important for field resolvers to work.
For example, the field authorId here does not correspond to anything in our schema we defined earlier, but it will be available to use for the next step.
3.5. Field Resolvers for Complex Values
Sometimes, the value of a field is non-trivial to load. This might involve database lookups, complex calculations, or anything else. GraphQL Tools has a concept of a field resolver that is used for this purpose. These are Spring beans that can provide values in place of the data bean.
The field resolver is any bean in the Spring Context that has the same name as the data bean, with the suffix Resolver, and that implements the GraphQLResolver interface. Methods on the field resolver bean follow all of the same rules as on the data bean but are also provided the data bean itself as a first parameter.
If a field resolver and the data bean both have methods for the same GraphQL field then the field resolver will take precedence.
public class PostResolver implements GraphQLResolver<Post> { private AuthorDao authorDao; public Author getAuthor(Post post) { return authorDao.getAuthorById(post.getAuthorId()); } }
The fact that these field resolvers are loaded from the Spring context is important. This allows them to work with any other Spring managed beans – e.g., DAOs.
Importantly, if the client does not request a field, then the GraphQL Server will never do the work to retrieve it. This means that if a client retrieves a Post and does not ask for the Author, then the getAuthor() method above will never be executed, and the DAO call will never be made.
3.6. Nullable Values
The GraphQL Schema has the concept that some types are nullable and others are not.
This can be handled in the Java code by directly using null values, but equally, the new Optional type from Java 8 can be used directly here for nullable types, and the system will do the correct thing with the values.
This is very useful as it means that our Java code is more obviously the same as the GraphQL schema from the method definitions.
3.7. Mutations
So far, everything that we have done has been about retrieving data from the server. GraphQL also has the ability to update the data stored on the server, by means of mutations.
From the point of view of the code, there is no reason that a Query can’t change data on the server. We could easily write query resolvers that accept arguments, save new data and return those changes. Doing this will cause surprising side effects for the API clients, and is considered bad practice.
Instead, Mutations should be used to inform the client that this will cause a change to the data being stored.
Mutations are defined in the Java code by using classes that implement GraphQLMutationResolver instead of GraphQLQueryResolver.
Otherwise, all of the same rules apply as for queries. The return value from a Mutation field is then treated exactly the same as from a Query field, allowing nested values to be retrieved as well.
public class Mutation implements GraphQLMutationResolver { private PostDao postDao; public Post writePost(String title, String text, String category) { return postDao.savePost(title, text, category); } }
4. Introducing GraphiQL
GraphQL also has a companion tool called GraphiQL. This is a UI that is able to communicate with any GraphQL Server and execute queries and mutations against it. A downloadable version of it exists as an Electron app and can be retrieved from here.
It is also possible to include the web-based version of GraphiQL in our application automatically, by adding the GraphiQL Spring Boot Starter dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>com.graphql-java</groupId> <artifactId>graphiql-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>5.0.2</version> </dependency>
This will only work if we are hosting our GraphQL API on the default endpoint of /graphql though, so the standalone application will be needed if that is not the case.
5. Summary
GraphQL is a very exciting new technology that can potentially revolutionize the way that Web APIs are developed.
The combination of the Spring Boot GraphQL Starter and the GraphQL Java Tools libraries make it incredibly easy to add this technology to any new or existing Spring Boot applications.
Code snippets can be found over on GitHub.