You are given a positive integer $D$. Let’s build the following graph from it:
- each vertex is a divisor of $D$ (not necessarily prime, $1$ and $D$ itself are also included);
- two vertices $x$ and $y$ ($x > y$) have an undirected edge between them if $x$ is divisible by $y$ and $\frac x y$ is a prime;
- the weight of an edge is the number of divisors of $x$ that are not divisors of $y$.
For example, here is the graph for $D=12$:
Edge $(4,12)$ has weight $3$ because $12$ has divisors $[1,2,3,4,6,12]$ and $4$ has divisors $[1,2,4]$. Thus, there are $3$ divisors of $12$ that are not divisors of $4$ — $[3,6,12]$.
There is no edge between $3$ and $2$ because $3$ is not divisible by $2$. There is no edge between $12$ and $3$ because $\frac{12}{3}=4$ is not a prime.
Let the length of the path between some vertices $v$ and $u$ in the graph be the total weight of edges on it. For example, path $[(1, 2), (2, 6), (6, 12), (12, 4), (4, 2), (2, 6)]$ has length $1+2+2+3+1+2=11$. The empty path has length $0$.
So the shortest path between two vertices $v$ and $u$ is the path that has the minimal possible length.
Two paths $a$ and $b$ are different if there is either a different number of edges in them or there is a position $i$ such that $a_i$ and $b_i$ are different edges.
You are given $q$ queries of the following form:
- $v$ $u$ — calculate the number of the shortest paths between vertices $v$ and $u$.
The answer for each query might be large so print it modulo $998244353$.
The first line contains a single integer $D$ ($1 \le D \le 10^{15}$) — the number the graph is built from.
The second line contains a single integer $q$ ($1 \le q \le 3 \cdot 10^5$) — the number of queries.
Each of the next $q$ lines contains two integers $v$ and $u$ ($1 \le v, u \le D$). It is guaranteed that $D$ is divisible by both $v$ and $u$ (both $v$ and $u$ are divisors of $D$).
Print $q$ integers — for each query output the number of the shortest paths between the two given vertices modulo $998244353$.
12 3 4 4 12 1 3 4
1 3 1
1 1 1 1
288807105787200 4 46 482955026400 12556830686400 897 414 12556830686400 4443186242880 325
547558588 277147129 457421435 702277623
In the first example:
- The first query is only the empty path — length $0$;
- The second query are paths $[(12, 4), (4, 2), (2, 1)]$ (length $3+1+1=5$), $[(12, 6), (6, 2), (2, 1)]$ (length $2+2+1=5$) and $[(12, 6), (6, 3), (3, 1)]$ (length $2+2+1=5$).
- The third query is only the path $[(3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4)]$ (length $1+1+1=3$).
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i,a,n) for (int i=a;i<n;i++) #define per(i,a,n) for (int i=n-1;i>=a;i--) #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end() #define fi first #define se second #define SZ(x) ((int)(x).size()) typedef vector<int> VI; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> PII; typedef double db; mt19937 mrand(random_device{}()); const ll mod=998244353; int rnd(int x) { return mrand() % x;} ll powmod(ll a,ll b) {ll res=1;a%=mod; assert(b>=0); for(;b;b>>=1){if(b&1)res=res*a%mod;a=a*a%mod;}return res;} ll gcd(ll a,ll b) { return b?gcd(b,a%b):a;} // head typedef pair<ll,ll> PLL; namespace Factor { const int N=1010000; ll C,fac[10010],n,mut,a[1001000]; int T,cnt,i,l,prime[N],p[N],psize,_cnt; ll _e[100],_pr[100]; vector<ll> d; inline ll mul(ll a,ll b,ll p) { if (p<=1000000000) return a*b%p; else if (p<=1000000000000ll) return (((a*(b>>20)%p)<<20)+(a*(b&((1<<20)-1))))%p; else { ll d=(ll)floor(a*(long double)b/p+0.5); ll ret=(a*b-d*p)%p; if (ret<0) ret+=p; return ret; } } void prime_table(){ int i,j,tot,t1; for (i=1;i<=psize;i++) p[i]=i; for (i=2,tot=0;i<=psize;i++){ if (p[i]==i) prime[++tot]=i; for (j=1;j<=tot && (t1=prime[j]*i)<=psize;j++){ p[t1]=prime[j]; if (i%prime[j]==0) break; } } } void init(int ps) { psize=ps; prime_table(); } ll powl(ll a,ll n,ll p) { ll ans=1; for (;n;n>>=1) { if (n&1) ans=mul(ans,a,p); a=mul(a,a,p); } return ans; } bool witness(ll a,ll n) { int t=0; ll u=n-1; for (;~u&1;u>>=1) t++; ll x=powl(a,u,n),_x=0; for (;t;t--) { _x=mul(x,x,n); if (_x==1 && x!=1 && x!=n-1) return 1; x=_x; } return _x!=1; } bool miller(ll n) { if (n<2) return 0; if (n<=psize) return p[n]==n; if (~n&1) return 0; for (int j=0;j<=7;j++) if (witness(rand()%(n-1)+1,n)) return 0; return 1; } ll gcd(ll a,ll b) { ll ret=1; while (a!=0) { if ((~a&1) && (~b&1)) ret<<=1,a>>=1,b>>=1; else if (~a&1) a>>=1; else if (~b&1) b>>=1; else { if (a<b) swap(a,b); a-=b; } } return ret*b; } ll rho(ll n) { for (;;) { ll X=rand()%n,Y,Z,T=1,*lY=a,*lX=lY; int tmp=20; C=rand()%10+3; X=mul(X,X,n)+C;*(lY++)=X;lX++; Y=mul(X,X,n)+C;*(lY++)=Y; for(;X!=Y;) { ll t=X-Y+n; Z=mul(T,t,n); if(Z==0) return gcd(T,n); tmp--; if (tmp==0) { tmp=20; Z=gcd(Z,n); if (Z!=1 && Z!=n) return Z; } T=Z; Y=*(lY++)=mul(Y,Y,n)+C; Y=*(lY++)=mul(Y,Y,n)+C; X=*(lX++); } } } void _factor(ll n) { for (int i=0;i<cnt;i++) { if (n%fac[i]==0) n/=fac[i],fac[cnt++]=fac[i];} if (n<=psize) { for (;n!=1;n/=p[n]) fac[cnt++]=p[n]; return; } if (miller(n)) fac[cnt++]=n; else { ll x=rho(n); _factor(x);_factor(n/x); } } void dfs(ll x,int dep) { if (dep==_cnt) d.pb(x); else { dfs(x,dep+1); for (int i=1;i<=_e[dep];i++) dfs(x*=_pr[dep],dep+1); } } void norm() { sort(fac,fac+cnt); _cnt=0; rep(i,0,cnt) if (i==0||fac[i]!=fac[i-1]) _pr[_cnt]=fac[i],_e[_cnt++]=1; else _e[_cnt-1]++; } vector<ll> getd() { d.clear(); dfs(1,0); return d; } vector<ll> factor(ll n) { cnt=0; _factor(n); norm(); return getd(); } vector<PLL> factorG(ll n) { cnt=0; _factor(n); norm(); vector<PLL> d; rep(i,0,_cnt) d.pb(mp(_pr[i],_e[i])); return d; } bool is_primitive(ll a,ll p) { assert(miller(p)); vector<PLL> D=factorG(p-1); rep(i,0,SZ(D)) if (powl(a,(p-1)/D[i].fi,p)==1) return 0; return 1; } } ll d,fac[1010],fnv[1010]; vector<PLL> x; int q; ll way(ll u,ll v) { ll f=1; int s=0; rep(i,0,SZ(x)) { int p=0,q=0; while (u%x[i].fi==0) u/=x[i].fi,p++; while (v%x[i].fi==0) v/=x[i].fi,q++; f=f*fnv[abs(p-q)]%mod; s+=abs(p-q); } f=f*fac[s]%mod; return f; } int main() { Factor::init(100000); fac[0]=fnv[0]=1; rep(i,1,1000) fac[i]=fac[i-1]*i%mod,fnv[i]=powmod(fac[i],mod-2); scanf("%lld",&d); x=Factor::factorG(d); sort(all(x)); scanf("%d",&q); rep(i,0,q) { ll u,v; scanf("%lld%lld",&u,&v); ll w=gcd(u,v); ll f=way(u,w)*way(v,w)%mod; printf("%lld\n",f); } }