Bus Video System

The busses in Berland are equipped with a video surveillance system. The system records information about changes in the number of passengers in a bus after stops.

If $x$ is the number of passengers in a bus just before the current bus stop and $y$ is the number of passengers in the bus just after current bus stop, the system records the number $y-x$. So the system records show how number of passengers changed.

The test run was made for single bus and $n$ bus stops. Thus, the system recorded the sequence of integers $a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n$ (exactly one number for each bus stop), where $a_i$ is the record for the bus stop $i$. The bus stops are numbered from $1$ to $n$ in chronological order.

Determine the number of possible ways how many people could be in the bus before the first bus stop, if the bus has a capacity equals to $w$ (that is, at any time in the bus there should be from $0$ to $w$ passengers inclusive).Input

The first line contains two integers $n$ and $w$ $(1 \le n \le 1\,000, 1 \le w \le 10^{9})$ — the number of bus stops and the capacity of the bus.

The second line contains a sequence $a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n$ $(-10^{6} \le a_i \le 10^{6})$, where $a_i$ equals to the number, which has been recorded by the video system after the $i$-th bus stop.Output

Print the number of possible ways how many people could be in the bus before the first bus stop, if the bus has a capacity equals to $w$. If the situation is contradictory (i.e. for any initial number of passengers there will be a contradiction), print 0.Examplesinput

3 5
2 1 -3




2 4
-1 1




4 10
2 4 1 2




In the first example initially in the bus could be $0$, $1$ or $2$ passengers.

In the second example initially in the bus could be $1$, $2$, $3$ or $4$ passengers.

In the third example initially in the bus could be $0$ or $1$ passenger.


private fun readLn() = readLine()!! // string line
private fun readInt() = readLn().toInt() // single int
private fun readLong() = readLn().toLong() // single long
private fun readDouble() = readLn().toDouble() // single double
private fun readStrings() = readLn().split(" ") // list of strings
private fun readInts() = readStrings().map { it.toInt() } // list of ints
private fun readLongs() = readStrings().map { it.toLong() } // list of longs
private fun readDoubles() = readStrings().map { it.toDouble() } // list of doubles

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var (n, w) = readInts()
var a = readInts()
var b = IntArray(n + 1) {it * 0}
for (i in 0 until n) {
b[i + 1] = b[i] + a[i]
var min = b.min()!!
var max = b.max()!!
var ans = maxOf(w - (max - min) + 1, 0)