The difference_update() updates the set calling difference_update() method with the difference of sets.
If A and B are two sets. The set difference of A and B is a set of elements that exists only in set A but not in B.
To learn more, visit Python set difference.
The syntax of difference_update() is:
Here, A and B are two sets. difference_update()
updates set A with the set difference of A-B
1. Return Value from difference_update()
returns None
indicating the object (set) is mutated.
result = A.difference_update(B)
When you run the code,
- result will be
- A will be equal to A-B
- B will be unchanged
2. Example: How difference_update() works?
A = {'a', 'c', 'g', 'd'} B = {'c', 'f', 'g'} result = A.difference_update(B) print('A = ', A) print('B = ', B) print('result = ', result)
A = {'d', 'a'} B = {'c', 'g', 'f'} result = None
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