The idea of writing this book came up when I was planning a machine learning workshop in Bangalore in 2016. When I interacted with people, I found out that although many said they knew machine learning and had mostly learned it through self-study mode, they were not able to answer interviewers’ questions on applying machine learning to practical business problems. Even some of the experienced machine learning professionals said they had implementation experience of computer vision in a particular area like manufacturing; however, they did not have the experiential
knowledge on how it can be applied in other domains.
As of the writing of this book, the three most progressive and promising areas for implementation are healthcare, retail, and finance. I call them promising because there are some applications that have been built in areas like healthcare (e.g., with expert robotic processes like surgical operations); however, there are more applications that are being discovered every day. Retail affects everyday lives of everybody on this planet, as you need to shop for your personal needs. Whether you buy from a grocery store or a retail chain, online machine learning and artificial intelligence is going to change the customer experience by predicting their needs and making sure the right solutions are available at the right time. Finance is another area that holds a lot of promise and has seen less application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in comparison to the other sectors. The primary reason for that is because it is the sector with the maximum regulations and law enforcement taking place heavily here. It is also the sector which forms the backbone of the economy. Without finance, there is no other sector that can operate. Readers, be they those who are just starting off with machine learning or with experience in Python and machine learning implementation in projects other than these
sectors, will definitely gain an experiential knowledge that I share with you the through the case studies presented in this book. The reader will get motivation from my famous quote on artificial intelligence and machine learning it is not the Artificial Intelligence but the Human Intelligence behind the Artificial Intelligence that is going to change the way we live our lives in the future.