Table of Contents
- 1. Overview
- 2. Operations on a Red-Black Tree
- 2.1. Rotating the subtrees in a Red-Black Tree
- 2.2. Left Rotate
- 2.3. Right Rotate
- 2.4. Left-Right and Right-Left Rotate
- 2.5. Inserting an element into a Red-Black Tree
- 2.6. Algorithm to insert a node
- 2.7. Algorithm to maintain red-black property after insertion
- 2.8. Deleting an element from a Red-Black Tree
- 2.9. Algorithm to delete a node
- 2.9. Algorithm to maintain Red-Black property after deletion
- 3. Python, Java and C/C++ Examples
- 4. Red-Black Tree Applications
1. Overview
In this tutorial, you will learn what a red-black tree is. Also, you will find working examples of various operations performed on a red-black tree in C, C++, Java and Python.
Red-Black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree in which each node contains an extra bit for denoting the color of the node, either red or black.
A red-black tree satisfies the following properties:
- Red/Black Property: Every node is colored, either red or black.
- Root Property: The root is black.
- Leaf Property: Every leaf (NIL) is black.
- Red Property: If a red node has children then, the children are always black.
- Depth Property: For each node, any simple path from this node to any of its descendant leaf has the same black-depth (the number of black nodes).
An example of a red-black tree is:
Each node has the following attributes:
- color
- key
- leftChild
- rightChild
- parent (except root node)
How the red-black tree maintains the property of self-balancing?
The red-black color is meant for balancing the tree.
The limitations put on the node colors ensure that any simple path from the root to a leaf is not more than twice as long as any other such path. It helps in maintaining the self-balancing property of the red-black tree.
2. Operations on a Red-Black Tree
Various operations that can be performed on a red-black tree are:
2.1. Rotating the subtrees in a Red-Black Tree
In rotation operation, the positions of the nodes of a subtree are interchanged.
Rotation operation is used for maintaining the properties of a red-black tree when they are violated by other operations such as insertion and deletion.
There are two types of rotations:
2.2. Left Rotate
In left-rotation, the arrangement of the nodes on the right is transformed into the arrangements on the left node.
Let the initial tree be:
Initial tree
If y has a left subtree, assign x as the parent of the left subtree of y.
Assign x as the parent of the left subtree of y
If the parent of x is NULL
, make y as the root of the tree.
Else if x is the left child of p, make y as the left child of p.
Else assign y as the right child of p.
Change the parent of x to that of y
Make y as the parent of x.
Assign y as the parent of x.
2.3. Right Rotate
In right-rotation, the arrangement of the nodes on the left is transformed into the arrangements on the right node.
Let the initial tree be:
Initial Tree
If x has a right subtree, assign y as the parent of the right subtree of x.
Assign y as the parent of the right subtree of x
If the parent of y is NULL
, make x as the root of the tree.
Else if y is the right child of its parent p, make x as the right child of p.
Else assign x as the left child of p.
Assign the parent of y as the parent of x
Make x as the parent of y.
Assign x as the parent of y
2.4. Left-Right and Right-Left Rotate
In left-right rotation, the arrangements are first shifted to the left and then to the right.
Do left rotation on x-y.
Left rotate x-y
Do right rotation on y-z.
Right rotate z-y
In right-left rotation, the arrangements are first shifted to the right and then to the left.
Do right rotation on x-y.
Right rotate x-y
Do left rotation on z-y.
Left rotate z-y
2.5. Inserting an element into a Red-Black Tree
While inserting a new node, the new node is always inserted as a RED node. After insertion of a new node, if the tree is violating the properties of the red-black tree then, we do the following operations.
- Recolor
- Rotation
2.6. Algorithm to insert a node
Following steps are followed for inserting a new element into a red-black tree:
- Let y be the leaf (ie.
) and x be the root of the tree. - Check if the tree is empty (ie. whether x is
). If yes, insert newNode as a root node and color it black. - Else, repeat steps following steps until leaf (
) is reached.- Compare newKey with rootKey.
- If newKey is greater than rootKey, traverse through the right subtree.
- Else traverse through the left subtree.
- Assign the parent of the leaf as a parent of newNode.
- If leafKey is greater than newKey, make newNode as rightChild.
- Else, make newNode as leftChild.
- Assign
to the left and rightChild of newNode. - Assign RED color to newNode.
- Call InsertFix-algorithm to maintain the property of red-black tree if violated.
Why newly inserted nodes are always red in a red-black tree?
This is because inserting a red node does not violate the depth property of a red-black tree.
If you attach a red node to a red node, then the rule is violated but it is easier to fix this problem than the problem introduced by violating the depth property.
2.7. Algorithm to maintain red-black property after insertion
This algorithm is used for maintaining the property of a red-black tree if the insertion of a newNode violates this property.
- Do the following while the parent of newNode p is RED.
- If p is the left child of grandParent gP of z, do the following.
Case-I:- If the color of the right child of gP of z is RED, set the color of both the children of gP as BLACK and the color of gP as RED.
- Assign gP to newNode.
Case-II: - Else if newNode is the right child of p then, assign p to newNode.
- Left-Rotate newNode.
Case-III: - Set color of p as BLACK and color of gP as RED.
- Right-Rotate gP.
- Else, do the following.
- If the color of the left child of gP of z is RED, set the color of both the children of gP as BLACK and the color of gP as RED.
- Assign gP to newNode.
- Else if newNode is the left child of p then, assign p to newNode and Right-Rotate newNode.
- Set color of p as BLACK and color of gP as RED.
- Left-Rotate gP.
- Set the root of the tree as BLACK.
2.8. Deleting an element from a Red-Black Tree
This operation removes a node from the tree. After deleting a node, the red-black property is maintained again.
2.9. Algorithm to delete a node
- Save the color of nodeToBeDeleted in origrinalColor.
- If the left child of nodeToBeDeleted is
- Assign the right child of nodeToBeDeleted to x.
- Transplant nodeToBeDeleted with x.
- Else if the right child of nodeToBeDeleted is
- Assign the left child of nodeToBeDeleted into x.
- Transplant nodeToBeDeleted with x.
- Else
- Assign the minimum of right subtree of noteToBeDeleted into y.
- Save the color of y in originalColor.
- Assign the rightChild of y into x.
- If y is a child of nodeToBeDeleted, then set the parent of x as y.
- Else, transplant y with rightChild of y.
- Transplant nodeToBeDeleted with y.
- Set the color of y with originalColor.
- If the originalColor is BLACK, call DeleteFix(x).
2.9. Algorithm to maintain Red-Black property after deletion
This algorithm is implemented when a black node is deleted because it violates the black depth property of the red-black tree.
This violation is corrected by assuming that node x (which is occupying y‘s original position) has an extra black. This makes node x neither red nor black. It is either doubly black or black-and-red. This violates the red-black properties.
However, the color attribute of x is not changed rather the extra black is represented in x‘s pointing to the node.
The extra black can be removed if
- It reaches the root node.
- If x points to a red-black node. In this case, x is colored black.
- Suitable rotations and recoloring are performed.
The following algorithm retains the properties of a red-black tree.
- Do the following until the x is not the root of the tree and the color of x is BLACK
- If x is the left child of its parent then,
- Assign w to the sibling of x.
- If the right child of parent of x is RED,
Case-I:- Set the color of the right child of the parent of x as BLACK.
- Set the color of the parent of x as RED.
- Left-Rotate the parent of x.
- Assign the rightChild of the parent of x to w.
- If the color of both the right and the leftChild of w is BLACK,
Case-II:- Set the color of w as RED
- Assign the parent of x to x.
- Else if the color of the rightChild of w is BLACK
Case-III:- Set the color of the leftChild of w as BLACK
- Set the color of w as RED
- Right-Rotate w.
- Assign the rightChild of the parent of x to w.
- If any of the above cases do not occur, then do the following.
Case-IV:- Set the color of w as the color of the parent of x.
- Set the color of the parent of x as BLACK.
- Set the color of the right child of w as BLACK.
- Left-Rotate the parent of x.
- Set x as the root of the tree.
- Else the same as above with right changed to left and vice versa.
- Set the color of x as BLACK.
Please refer to insertion and deletion operations for more explanation with examples.
3. Python, Java and C/C++ Examples
Source code by Python Language:
# Implementing Red-Black Tree in Python import sys # Node creation class Node(): def __init__(self, item): self.item = item self.parent = None self.left = None self.right = None self.color = 1 class RedBlackTree(): def __init__(self): self.TNULL = Node(0) self.TNULL.color = 0 self.TNULL.left = None self.TNULL.right = None self.root = self.TNULL # Preorder def pre_order_helper(self, node): if node != TNULL: sys.stdout.write(node.item + " ") self.pre_order_helper(node.left) self.pre_order_helper(node.right) # Inorder def in_order_helper(self, node): if node != TNULL: self.in_order_helper(node.left) sys.stdout.write(node.item + " ") self.in_order_helper(node.right) # Postorder def post_order_helper(self, node): if node != TNULL: self.post_order_helper(node.left) self.post_order_helper(node.right) sys.stdout.write(node.item + " ") # Search the tree def search_tree_helper(self, node, key): if node == TNULL or key == node.item: return node if key < node.item: return self.search_tree_helper(node.left, key) return self.search_tree_helper(node.right, key) # Balancing the tree after deletion def delete_fix(self, x): while x != self.root and x.color == 0: if x == x.parent.left: s = x.parent.right if s.color == 1: s.color = 0 x.parent.color = 1 self.left_rotate(x.parent) s = x.parent.right if s.left.color == 0 and s.right.color == 0: s.color = 1 x = x.parent else: if s.right.color == 0: s.left.color = 0 s.color = 1 self.right_rotate(s) s = x.parent.right s.color = x.parent.color x.parent.color = 0 s.right.color = 0 self.left_rotate(x.parent) x = self.root else: s = x.parent.left if s.color == 1: s.color = 0 x.parent.color = 1 self.right_rotate(x.parent) s = x.parent.left if s.right.color == 0 and s.right.color == 0: s.color = 1 x = x.parent else: if s.left.color == 0: s.right.color = 0 s.color = 1 self.left_rotate(s) s = x.parent.left s.color = x.parent.color x.parent.color = 0 s.left.color = 0 self.right_rotate(x.parent) x = self.root x.color = 0 def __rb_transplant(self, u, v): if u.parent == None: self.root = v elif u == u.parent.left: u.parent.left = v else: u.parent.right = v v.parent = u.parent # Node deletion def delete_node_helper(self, node, key): z = self.TNULL while node != self.TNULL: if node.item == key: z = node if node.item <= key: node = node.right else: node = node.left if z == self.TNULL: print("Cannot find key in the tree") return y = z y_original_color = y.color if z.left == self.TNULL: x = z.right self.__rb_transplant(z, z.right) elif (z.right == self.TNULL): x = z.left self.__rb_transplant(z, z.left) else: y = self.minimum(z.right) y_original_color = y.color x = y.right if y.parent == z: x.parent = y else: self.__rb_transplant(y, y.right) y.right = z.right y.right.parent = y self.__rb_transplant(z, y) y.left = z.left y.left.parent = y y.color = z.color if y_original_color == 0: self.delete_fix(x) # Balance the tree after insertion def fix_insert(self, k): while k.parent.color == 1: if k.parent == k.parent.parent.right: u = k.parent.parent.left if u.color == 1: u.color = 0 k.parent.color = 0 k.parent.parent.color = 1 k = k.parent.parent else: if k == k.parent.left: k = k.parent self.right_rotate(k) k.parent.color = 0 k.parent.parent.color = 1 self.left_rotate(k.parent.parent) else: u = k.parent.parent.right if u.color == 1: u.color = 0 k.parent.color = 0 k.parent.parent.color = 1 k = k.parent.parent else: if k == k.parent.right: k = k.parent self.left_rotate(k) k.parent.color = 0 k.parent.parent.color = 1 self.right_rotate(k.parent.parent) if k == self.root: break self.root.color = 0 # Printing the tree def __print_helper(self, node, indent, last): if node != self.TNULL: sys.stdout.write(indent) if last: sys.stdout.write("R----") indent += " " else: sys.stdout.write("L----") indent += "| " s_color = "RED" if node.color == 1 else "BLACK" print(str(node.item) + "(" + s_color + ")") self.__print_helper(node.left, indent, False) self.__print_helper(node.right, indent, True) def preorder(self): self.pre_order_helper(self.root) def inorder(self): self.in_order_helper(self.root) def postorder(self): self.post_order_helper(self.root) def searchTree(self, k): return self.search_tree_helper(self.root, k) def minimum(self, node): while node.left != self.TNULL: node = node.left return node def maximum(self, node): while node.right != self.TNULL: node = node.right return node def successor(self, x): if x.right != self.TNULL: return self.minimum(x.right) y = x.parent while y != self.TNULL and x == y.right: x = y y = y.parent return y def predecessor(self, x): if (x.left != self.TNULL): return self.maximum(x.left) y = x.parent while y != self.TNULL and x == y.left: x = y y = y.parent return y def left_rotate(self, x): y = x.right x.right = y.left if y.left != self.TNULL: y.left.parent = x y.parent = x.parent if x.parent == None: self.root = y elif x == x.parent.left: x.parent.left = y else: x.parent.right = y y.left = x x.parent = y def right_rotate(self, x): y = x.left x.left = y.right if y.right != self.TNULL: y.right.parent = x y.parent = x.parent if x.parent == None: self.root = y elif x == x.parent.right: x.parent.right = y else: x.parent.left = y y.right = x x.parent = y def insert(self, key): node = Node(key) node.parent = None node.item = key node.left = self.TNULL node.right = self.TNULL node.color = 1 y = None x = self.root while x != self.TNULL: y = x if node.item < x.item: x = x.left else: x = x.right node.parent = y if y == None: self.root = node elif node.item < y.item: y.left = node else: y.right = node if node.parent == None: node.color = 0 return if node.parent.parent == None: return self.fix_insert(node) def get_root(self): return self.root def delete_node(self, item): self.delete_node_helper(self.root, item) def print_tree(self): self.__print_helper(self.root, "", True) if __name__ == "__main__": bst = RedBlackTree() bst.insert(55) bst.insert(40) bst.insert(65) bst.insert(60) bst.insert(75) bst.insert(57) bst.print_tree() print("\nAfter deleting an element") bst.delete_node(40) bst.print_tree()
Source code by Java Language:
// Implementing Red-Black Tree in Java class Node { int data; Node parent; Node left; Node right; int color; } public class RedBlackTree { private Node root; private Node TNULL; // Preorder private void preOrderHelper(Node node) { if (node != TNULL) { System.out.print( + " "); preOrderHelper(node.left); preOrderHelper(node.right); } } // Inorder private void inOrderHelper(Node node) { if (node != TNULL) { inOrderHelper(node.left); System.out.print( + " "); inOrderHelper(node.right); } } // Post order private void postOrderHelper(Node node) { if (node != TNULL) { postOrderHelper(node.left); postOrderHelper(node.right); System.out.print( + " "); } } // Search the tree private Node searchTreeHelper(Node node, int key) { if (node == TNULL || key == { return node; } if (key < { return searchTreeHelper(node.left, key); } return searchTreeHelper(node.right, key); } // Balance the tree after deletion of a node private void fixDelete(Node x) { Node s; while (x != root && x.color == 0) { if (x == x.parent.left) { s = x.parent.right; if (s.color == 1) { s.color = 0; x.parent.color = 1; leftRotate(x.parent); s = x.parent.right; } if (s.left.color == 0 && s.right.color == 0) { s.color = 1; x = x.parent; } else { if (s.right.color == 0) { s.left.color = 0; s.color = 1; rightRotate(s); s = x.parent.right; } s.color = x.parent.color; x.parent.color = 0; s.right.color = 0; leftRotate(x.parent); x = root; } } else { s = x.parent.left; if (s.color == 1) { s.color = 0; x.parent.color = 1; rightRotate(x.parent); s = x.parent.left; } if (s.right.color == 0 && s.right.color == 0) { s.color = 1; x = x.parent; } else { if (s.left.color == 0) { s.right.color = 0; s.color = 1; leftRotate(s); s = x.parent.left; } s.color = x.parent.color; x.parent.color = 0; s.left.color = 0; rightRotate(x.parent); x = root; } } } x.color = 0; } private void rbTransplant(Node u, Node v) { if (u.parent == null) { root = v; } else if (u == u.parent.left) { u.parent.left = v; } else { u.parent.right = v; } v.parent = u.parent; } private void deleteNodeHelper(Node node, int key) { Node z = TNULL; Node x, y; while (node != TNULL) { if ( == key) { z = node; } if ( <= key) { node = node.right; } else { node = node.left; } } if (z == TNULL) { System.out.println("Couldn't find key in the tree"); return; } y = z; int yOriginalColor = y.color; if (z.left == TNULL) { x = z.right; rbTransplant(z, z.right); } else if (z.right == TNULL) { x = z.left; rbTransplant(z, z.left); } else { y = minimum(z.right); yOriginalColor = y.color; x = y.right; if (y.parent == z) { x.parent = y; } else { rbTransplant(y, y.right); y.right = z.right; y.right.parent = y; } rbTransplant(z, y); y.left = z.left; y.left.parent = y; y.color = z.color; } if (yOriginalColor == 0) { fixDelete(x); } } // Balance the node after insertion private void fixInsert(Node k) { Node u; while (k.parent.color == 1) { if (k.parent == k.parent.parent.right) { u = k.parent.parent.left; if (u.color == 1) { u.color = 0; k.parent.color = 0; k.parent.parent.color = 1; k = k.parent.parent; } else { if (k == k.parent.left) { k = k.parent; rightRotate(k); } k.parent.color = 0; k.parent.parent.color = 1; leftRotate(k.parent.parent); } } else { u = k.parent.parent.right; if (u.color == 1) { u.color = 0; k.parent.color = 0; k.parent.parent.color = 1; k = k.parent.parent; } else { if (k == k.parent.right) { k = k.parent; leftRotate(k); } k.parent.color = 0; k.parent.parent.color = 1; rightRotate(k.parent.parent); } } if (k == root) { break; } } root.color = 0; } private void printHelper(Node root, String indent, boolean last) { if (root != TNULL) { System.out.print(indent); if (last) { System.out.print("R----"); indent += " "; } else { System.out.print("L----"); indent += "| "; } String sColor = root.color == 1 ? "RED" : "BLACK"; System.out.println( + "(" + sColor + ")"); printHelper(root.left, indent, false); printHelper(root.right, indent, true); } } public RedBlackTree() { TNULL = new Node(); TNULL.color = 0; TNULL.left = null; TNULL.right = null; root = TNULL; } public void preorder() { preOrderHelper(this.root); } public void inorder() { inOrderHelper(this.root); } public void postorder() { postOrderHelper(this.root); } public Node searchTree(int k) { return searchTreeHelper(this.root, k); } public Node minimum(Node node) { while (node.left != TNULL) { node = node.left; } return node; } public Node maximum(Node node) { while (node.right != TNULL) { node = node.right; } return node; } public Node successor(Node x) { if (x.right != TNULL) { return minimum(x.right); } Node y = x.parent; while (y != TNULL && x == y.right) { x = y; y = y.parent; } return y; } public Node predecessor(Node x) { if (x.left != TNULL) { return maximum(x.left); } Node y = x.parent; while (y != TNULL && x == y.left) { x = y; y = y.parent; } return y; } public void leftRotate(Node x) { Node y = x.right; x.right = y.left; if (y.left != TNULL) { y.left.parent = x; } y.parent = x.parent; if (x.parent == null) { this.root = y; } else if (x == x.parent.left) { x.parent.left = y; } else { x.parent.right = y; } y.left = x; x.parent = y; } public void rightRotate(Node x) { Node y = x.left; x.left = y.right; if (y.right != TNULL) { y.right.parent = x; } y.parent = x.parent; if (x.parent == null) { this.root = y; } else if (x == x.parent.right) { x.parent.right = y; } else { x.parent.left = y; } y.right = x; x.parent = y; } public void insert(int key) { Node node = new Node(); node.parent = null; = key; node.left = TNULL; node.right = TNULL; node.color = 1; Node y = null; Node x = this.root; while (x != TNULL) { y = x; if ( < { x = x.left; } else { x = x.right; } } node.parent = y; if (y == null) { root = node; } else if ( < { y.left = node; } else { y.right = node; } if (node.parent == null) { node.color = 0; return; } if (node.parent.parent == null) { return; } fixInsert(node); } public Node getRoot() { return this.root; } public void deleteNode(int data) { deleteNodeHelper(this.root, data); } public void printTree() { printHelper(this.root, "", true); } public static void main(String[] args) { RedBlackTree bst = new RedBlackTree(); bst.insert(55); bst.insert(40); bst.insert(65); bst.insert(60); bst.insert(75); bst.insert(57); bst.printTree(); System.out.println("\nAfter deleting:"); bst.deleteNode(40); bst.printTree(); } }
Source code by C Language:
// Implementing Red-Black Tree in C #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> enum nodeColor { RED, BLACK }; struct rbNode { int data, color; struct rbNode *link[2]; }; struct rbNode *root = NULL; // Create a red-black tree struct rbNode *createNode(int data) { struct rbNode *newnode; newnode = (struct rbNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct rbNode)); newnode->data = data; newnode->color = RED; newnode->link[0] = newnode->link[1] = NULL; return newnode; } // Insert an node void insertion(int data) { struct rbNode *stack[98], *ptr, *newnode, *xPtr, *yPtr; int dir[98], ht = 0, index; ptr = root; if (!root) { root = createNode(data); return; } stack[ht] = root; dir[ht++] = 0; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->data == data) { printf("Duplicates Not Allowed!!\n"); return; } index = (data - ptr->data) > 0 ? 1 : 0; stack[ht] = ptr; ptr = ptr->link[index]; dir[ht++] = index; } stack[ht - 1]->link[index] = newnode = createNode(data); while ((ht >= 3) && (stack[ht - 1]->color == RED)) { if (dir[ht - 2] == 0) { yPtr = stack[ht - 2]->link[1]; if (yPtr != NULL && yPtr->color == RED) { stack[ht - 2]->color = RED; stack[ht - 1]->color = yPtr->color = BLACK; ht = ht - 2; } else { if (dir[ht - 1] == 0) { yPtr = stack[ht - 1]; } else { xPtr = stack[ht - 1]; yPtr = xPtr->link[1]; xPtr->link[1] = yPtr->link[0]; yPtr->link[0] = xPtr; stack[ht - 2]->link[0] = yPtr; } xPtr = stack[ht - 2]; xPtr->color = RED; yPtr->color = BLACK; xPtr->link[0] = yPtr->link[1]; yPtr->link[1] = xPtr; if (xPtr == root) { root = yPtr; } else { stack[ht - 3]->link[dir[ht - 3]] = yPtr; } break; } } else { yPtr = stack[ht - 2]->link[0]; if ((yPtr != NULL) && (yPtr->color == RED)) { stack[ht - 2]->color = RED; stack[ht - 1]->color = yPtr->color = BLACK; ht = ht - 2; } else { if (dir[ht - 1] == 1) { yPtr = stack[ht - 1]; } else { xPtr = stack[ht - 1]; yPtr = xPtr->link[0]; xPtr->link[0] = yPtr->link[1]; yPtr->link[1] = xPtr; stack[ht - 2]->link[1] = yPtr; } xPtr = stack[ht - 2]; yPtr->color = BLACK; xPtr->color = RED; xPtr->link[1] = yPtr->link[0]; yPtr->link[0] = xPtr; if (xPtr == root) { root = yPtr; } else { stack[ht - 3]->link[dir[ht - 3]] = yPtr; } break; } } } root->color = BLACK; } // Delete a node void deletion(int data) { struct rbNode *stack[98], *ptr, *xPtr, *yPtr; struct rbNode *pPtr, *qPtr, *rPtr; int dir[98], ht = 0, diff, i; enum nodeColor color; if (!root) { printf("Tree not available\n"); return; } ptr = root; while (ptr != NULL) { if ((data - ptr->data) == 0) break; diff = (data - ptr->data) > 0 ? 1 : 0; stack[ht] = ptr; dir[ht++] = diff; ptr = ptr->link; } if (ptr->link[1] == NULL) { if ((ptr == root) && (ptr->link[0] == NULL)) { free(ptr); root = NULL; } else if (ptr == root) { root = ptr->link[0]; free(ptr); } else { stack[ht - 1]->link[dir[ht - 1]] = ptr->link[0]; } } else { xPtr = ptr->link[1]; if (xPtr->link[0] == NULL) { xPtr->link[0] = ptr->link[0]; color = xPtr->color; xPtr->color = ptr->color; ptr->color = color; if (ptr == root) { root = xPtr; } else { stack[ht - 1]->link[dir[ht - 1]] = xPtr; } dir[ht] = 1; stack[ht++] = xPtr; } else { i = ht++; while (1) { dir[ht] = 0; stack[ht++] = xPtr; yPtr = xPtr->link[0]; if (!yPtr->link[0]) break; xPtr = yPtr; } dir[i] = 1; stack[i] = yPtr; if (i > 0) stack[i - 1]->link[dir[i - 1]] = yPtr; yPtr->link[0] = ptr->link[0]; xPtr->link[0] = yPtr->link[1]; yPtr->link[1] = ptr->link[1]; if (ptr == root) { root = yPtr; } color = yPtr->color; yPtr->color = ptr->color; ptr->color = color; } } if (ht < 1) return; if (ptr->color == BLACK) { while (1) { pPtr = stack[ht - 1]->link[dir[ht - 1]]; if (pPtr && pPtr->color == RED) { pPtr->color = BLACK; break; } if (ht < 2) break; if (dir[ht - 2] == 0) { rPtr = stack[ht - 1]->link[1]; if (!rPtr) break; if (rPtr->color == RED) { stack[ht - 1]->color = RED; rPtr->color = BLACK; stack[ht - 1]->link[1] = rPtr->link[0]; rPtr->link[0] = stack[ht - 1]; if (stack[ht - 1] == root) { root = rPtr; } else { stack[ht - 2]->link[dir[ht - 2]] = rPtr; } dir[ht] = 0; stack[ht] = stack[ht - 1]; stack[ht - 1] = rPtr; ht++; rPtr = stack[ht - 1]->link[1]; } if ((!rPtr->link[0] || rPtr->link[0]->color == BLACK) && (!rPtr->link[1] || rPtr->link[1]->color == BLACK)) { rPtr->color = RED; } else { if (!rPtr->link[1] || rPtr->link[1]->color == BLACK) { qPtr = rPtr->link[0]; rPtr->color = RED; qPtr->color = BLACK; rPtr->link[0] = qPtr->link[1]; qPtr->link[1] = rPtr; rPtr = stack[ht - 1]->link[1] = qPtr; } rPtr->color = stack[ht - 1]->color; stack[ht - 1]->color = BLACK; rPtr->link[1]->color = BLACK; stack[ht - 1]->link[1] = rPtr->link[0]; rPtr->link[0] = stack[ht - 1]; if (stack[ht - 1] == root) { root = rPtr; } else { stack[ht - 2]->link[dir[ht - 2]] = rPtr; } break; } } else { rPtr = stack[ht - 1]->link[0]; if (!rPtr) break; if (rPtr->color == RED) { stack[ht - 1]->color = RED; rPtr->color = BLACK; stack[ht - 1]->link[0] = rPtr->link[1]; rPtr->link[1] = stack[ht - 1]; if (stack[ht - 1] == root) { root = rPtr; } else { stack[ht - 2]->link[dir[ht - 2]] = rPtr; } dir[ht] = 1; stack[ht] = stack[ht - 1]; stack[ht - 1] = rPtr; ht++; rPtr = stack[ht - 1]->link[0]; } if ((!rPtr->link[0] || rPtr->link[0]->color == BLACK) && (!rPtr->link[1] || rPtr->link[1]->color == BLACK)) { rPtr->color = RED; } else { if (!rPtr->link[0] || rPtr->link[0]->color == BLACK) { qPtr = rPtr->link[1]; rPtr->color = RED; qPtr->color = BLACK; rPtr->link[1] = qPtr->link[0]; qPtr->link[0] = rPtr; rPtr = stack[ht - 1]->link[0] = qPtr; } rPtr->color = stack[ht - 1]->color; stack[ht - 1]->color = BLACK; rPtr->link[0]->color = BLACK; stack[ht - 1]->link[0] = rPtr->link[1]; rPtr->link[1] = stack[ht - 1]; if (stack[ht - 1] == root) { root = rPtr; } else { stack[ht - 2]->link[dir[ht - 2]] = rPtr; } break; } } ht--; } } } // Print the inorder traversal of the tree void inorderTraversal(struct rbNode *node) { if (node) { inorderTraversal(node->link[0]); printf("%d ", node->data); inorderTraversal(node->link[1]); } return; } // Driver code int main() { int ch, data; while (1) { printf("1. Insertion\t2. Deletion\n"); printf("3. Traverse\t4. Exit"); printf("\nEnter your choice:"); scanf("%d", &ch); switch (ch) { case 1: printf("Enter the element to insert:"); scanf("%d", &data); insertion(data); break; case 2: printf("Enter the element to delete:"); scanf("%d", &data); deletion(data); break; case 3: inorderTraversal(root); printf("\n"); break; case 4: exit(0); default: printf("Not available\n"); break; } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
Source code by C++ Language:
// Implementing Red-Black Tree in C++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; Node *parent; Node *left; Node *right; int color; }; typedef Node *NodePtr; class RedBlackTree { private: NodePtr root; NodePtr TNULL; void initializeNULLNode(NodePtr node, NodePtr parent) { node->data = 0; node->parent = parent; node->left = nullptr; node->right = nullptr; node->color = 0; } // Preorder void preOrderHelper(NodePtr node) { if (node != TNULL) { cout << node->data << " "; preOrderHelper(node->left); preOrderHelper(node->right); } } // Inorder void inOrderHelper(NodePtr node) { if (node != TNULL) { inOrderHelper(node->left); cout << node->data << " "; inOrderHelper(node->right); } } // Post order void postOrderHelper(NodePtr node) { if (node != TNULL) { postOrderHelper(node->left); postOrderHelper(node->right); cout << node->data << " "; } } NodePtr searchTreeHelper(NodePtr node, int key) { if (node == TNULL || key == node->data) { return node; } if (key < node->data) { return searchTreeHelper(node->left, key); } return searchTreeHelper(node->right, key); } // For balancing the tree after deletion void deleteFix(NodePtr x) { NodePtr s; while (x != root && x->color == 0) { if (x == x->parent->left) { s = x->parent->right; if (s->color == 1) { s->color = 0; x->parent->color = 1; leftRotate(x->parent); s = x->parent->right; } if (s->left->color == 0 && s->right->color == 0) { s->color = 1; x = x->parent; } else { if (s->right->color == 0) { s->left->color = 0; s->color = 1; rightRotate(s); s = x->parent->right; } s->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = 0; s->right->color = 0; leftRotate(x->parent); x = root; } } else { s = x->parent->left; if (s->color == 1) { s->color = 0; x->parent->color = 1; rightRotate(x->parent); s = x->parent->left; } if (s->right->color == 0 && s->right->color == 0) { s->color = 1; x = x->parent; } else { if (s->left->color == 0) { s->right->color = 0; s->color = 1; leftRotate(s); s = x->parent->left; } s->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = 0; s->left->color = 0; rightRotate(x->parent); x = root; } } } x->color = 0; } void rbTransplant(NodePtr u, NodePtr v) { if (u->parent == nullptr) { root = v; } else if (u == u->parent->left) { u->parent->left = v; } else { u->parent->right = v; } v->parent = u->parent; } void deleteNodeHelper(NodePtr node, int key) { NodePtr z = TNULL; NodePtr x, y; while (node != TNULL) { if (node->data == key) { z = node; } if (node->data <= key) { node = node->right; } else { node = node->left; } } if (z == TNULL) { cout << "Key not found in the tree" << endl; return; } y = z; int y_original_color = y->color; if (z->left == TNULL) { x = z->right; rbTransplant(z, z->right); } else if (z->right == TNULL) { x = z->left; rbTransplant(z, z->left); } else { y = minimum(z->right); y_original_color = y->color; x = y->right; if (y->parent == z) { x->parent = y; } else { rbTransplant(y, y->right); y->right = z->right; y->right->parent = y; } rbTransplant(z, y); y->left = z->left; y->left->parent = y; y->color = z->color; } delete z; if (y_original_color == 0) { deleteFix(x); } } // For balancing the tree after insertion void insertFix(NodePtr k) { NodePtr u; while (k->parent->color == 1) { if (k->parent == k->parent->parent->right) { u = k->parent->parent->left; if (u->color == 1) { u->color = 0; k->parent->color = 0; k->parent->parent->color = 1; k = k->parent->parent; } else { if (k == k->parent->left) { k = k->parent; rightRotate(k); } k->parent->color = 0; k->parent->parent->color = 1; leftRotate(k->parent->parent); } } else { u = k->parent->parent->right; if (u->color == 1) { u->color = 0; k->parent->color = 0; k->parent->parent->color = 1; k = k->parent->parent; } else { if (k == k->parent->right) { k = k->parent; leftRotate(k); } k->parent->color = 0; k->parent->parent->color = 1; rightRotate(k->parent->parent); } } if (k == root) { break; } } root->color = 0; } void printHelper(NodePtr root, string indent, bool last) { if (root != TNULL) { cout << indent; if (last) { cout << "R----"; indent += " "; } else { cout << "L----"; indent += "| "; } string sColor = root->color ? "RED" : "BLACK"; cout << root->data << "(" << sColor << ")" << endl; printHelper(root->left, indent, false); printHelper(root->right, indent, true); } } public: RedBlackTree() { TNULL = new Node; TNULL->color = 0; TNULL->left = nullptr; TNULL->right = nullptr; root = TNULL; } void preorder() { preOrderHelper(this->root); } void inorder() { inOrderHelper(this->root); } void postorder() { postOrderHelper(this->root); } NodePtr searchTree(int k) { return searchTreeHelper(this->root, k); } NodePtr minimum(NodePtr node) { while (node->left != TNULL) { node = node->left; } return node; } NodePtr maximum(NodePtr node) { while (node->right != TNULL) { node = node->right; } return node; } NodePtr successor(NodePtr x) { if (x->right != TNULL) { return minimum(x->right); } NodePtr y = x->parent; while (y != TNULL && x == y->right) { x = y; y = y->parent; } return y; } NodePtr predecessor(NodePtr x) { if (x->left != TNULL) { return maximum(x->left); } NodePtr y = x->parent; while (y != TNULL && x == y->left) { x = y; y = y->parent; } return y; } void leftRotate(NodePtr x) { NodePtr y = x->right; x->right = y->left; if (y->left != TNULL) { y->left->parent = x; } y->parent = x->parent; if (x->parent == nullptr) { this->root = y; } else if (x == x->parent->left) { x->parent->left = y; } else { x->parent->right = y; } y->left = x; x->parent = y; } void rightRotate(NodePtr x) { NodePtr y = x->left; x->left = y->right; if (y->right != TNULL) { y->right->parent = x; } y->parent = x->parent; if (x->parent == nullptr) { this->root = y; } else if (x == x->parent->right) { x->parent->right = y; } else { x->parent->left = y; } y->right = x; x->parent = y; } // Inserting a node void insert(int key) { NodePtr node = new Node; node->parent = nullptr; node->data = key; node->left = TNULL; node->right = TNULL; node->color = 1; NodePtr y = nullptr; NodePtr x = this->root; while (x != TNULL) { y = x; if (node->data < x->data) { x = x->left; } else { x = x->right; } } node->parent = y; if (y == nullptr) { root = node; } else if (node->data < y->data) { y->left = node; } else { y->right = node; } if (node->parent == nullptr) { node->color = 0; return; } if (node->parent->parent == nullptr) { return; } insertFix(node); } NodePtr getRoot() { return this->root; } void deleteNode(int data) { deleteNodeHelper(this->root, data); } void printTree() { if (root) { printHelper(this->root, "", true); } } }; int main() { RedBlackTree bst; bst.insert(55); bst.insert(40); bst.insert(65); bst.insert(60); bst.insert(75); bst.insert(57); bst.printTree(); cout << endl << "After deleting" << endl; bst.deleteNode(40); bst.printTree(); }
4. Red-Black Tree Applications
- To implement finite maps
- To implement Java packages:
- To implement Standard Template Libraries (STL) in C++: multiset, map, multimap
- In Linux Kernel