How to Build a Custom URL Shortener using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

Using links or URLs has been the norm for surfing the web for a long time. Sometimes we need to advertise our businesses on social media. Long URL links are not the best way to post these links, especially on social media. Doing this will help you promote your products or any services with the links provided.

The benefit of URL shortening tools is in helping drive traffic back to your website.

In this tutorial, we will build a URL shortener service using Node.js.

1. Prerequisites

  1. A basic understanding of the JavaScript programming language.
  2. A basic understanding of Node.js and Express framework.
  3. Have Postman HTTP API client installed on your system.
  4. A text editor, preferably VS Code.
  5. MongoDB database server installed on your system.

2. Setting up the project

Create a folder named URL-Shortener-Service and open it on your favorite IDE. I will be using VS Code here. Go inside the folder and type npm init to generate an initial package.json for our project.

This command will require some prompts, to skip this, you can use npm init -y. Our project will use various npm packages from the npm registry.

The npm packages will include:

  • express: Express is a backend web application framework for Node.js used for building web applications and APIs.
  • mongoose: Mongoose is an asynchronous database driver or Object Data Mapper for MongoDB. It is responsible for connecting to the database and performing query operations.
  • short-id: The short-id module creates user-friendly and unique ids for our URLs.
  • valid-url: This is a module that verifies all the URLs sent to the API.
  • nodemon: nodemon package will be installed as a development dependency. It will constantly monitor our applications by automatically restarting the server when any file changes.

Next, we now need to download the packages.

Run the following command on your terminal to download them:

npm install express mongoose shortid valid-url

This will download the named packages inside node_modules folder and update the package.json file with the dependencies.

Note: nodemon is a development dependency. To install this, run the command npm install --save-dev nodemon.

3. Setting up express server

Inside our URL-Shortener-Service folder, create a file named server.js.

Then following is the initial code to start the Express server:

   // import express package(commonJS syntax)
   const express = require('express')

   // instatiate the express app  
   const app = express()

   const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000
   // Listen for incoming requests
   app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`server started, listening PORT ${PORT}`))

This starter code imports the express package. The app = express() creates an instance of our application. In our app, we need to listen to the incoming request.

app.listen takes a port number and a callback function that is invoked upon a successful connection.

4. Configuring the MongoDB connection inside the ‘db.config.js’

We will use the mongoose package that we installed via npm as the database driver. To configure the database, create a config folder inside our URL-Shortener-Service folder. Inside the config folder, add a file named db.config.js.

This is the file to add the following database connection code:

// import mongoose package
const mongoose = require('mongoose')

// declare a Database string URI
const DB_URI = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/urlshortener'

// establishing a database connection
mongoose.connect(DB_URI, {
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true

const connection = mongoose.connection

// export the connection object
module.exports = connection

The const mongoose = require('mongoose') imports the mongoose package from the node_modules folder. To start a connection on our MongoDB database, we need a database connection port. This is named as the DB_URI connection string with the urlshortener as the database name.

The mongoose.connect() is a method that takes the DB_URI and an options object to establish a connection. module.exports exports the connection that will be added in our index.js server entry file.

5. The database model for URL details

When using mongoose, models are defined using a Schema interface. A Schema will allow us to define all the fields stored in each document along with the validation or default values.

Schemas will then be transformed into models using the mongoose.model() method. The model is what we use to find, create, update, and delete documents of a given type.

To create our model, create a folder named models.

Inside this folder, add a file named UrlModel.js and add the following code:

const mongoose = require('mongoose')

// instantiate a mongoose schema
const URLSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    urlCode: String,
    longUrl: String,
    shortUrl: String,
    date: {
        type: String,

// create a model from schema and export it
module.exports = mongoose.model('Url', URLSchema)

To create a model, we need to create a schema interface by importing the mongoose npm package. The mongoose.Schema method is instantiated to define with and object argument. This object takes the values that our MongoDB document will store.

The values include:

  • The urlCode is a string property that will store the unique ID related to each URL.
  • The longUrl is the default URL which we need to shorten.
  • The property shortUrl is the actual short URL that will be generated.
  • The date property has a default property and is created once the model is instantiated in the database.

6. Defining routes

Our routes will be on a separate folder. Inside the URL-Shortener-Service folder, create a folder named routes.

We will create two route files named:

  1. url.js: This will be a POST route that takes an incoming request with the long URL and creates the short URL and inserts it into the database. Navigate in the routes folder and create a file named url.js.
  2. redirect.js: This is a GET for our URL redirects. It takes the short URL and redirects it to the actual long URL in the browser. To add this file, create a separate file named redirect.js inside the routes folder.

6.1. The url.js POST route

Now, let’s create the POST route.

Add the following code inside the url.js file:

// packages needed in this file
const express = require('express')
const validUrl = require('valid-url')
const shortid = require('shortid')

// creating express route handler
const router = express.Router()

// import the Url database model
const Url = require('../models/Url')

// @route    POST /api/url/shorten
// @description     Create short URL

// The API base Url endpoint
const baseUrl = 'http:localhost:5000''/shorten', async (req, res) => {
    const {
    } = req.body // destructure the longUrl from req.body.longUrl

    // check base url if valid using the validUrl.isUri method
    if (!validUrl.isUri(baseUrl)) {
        return res.status(401).json('Invalid base URL')

    // if valid, we create the url code
    const urlCode = shortid.generate()

    // check long url if valid using the validUrl.isUri method
    if (validUrl.isUri(longUrl)) {
        try {
            /* The findOne() provides a match to only the subset of the documents 
            in the collection that match the query. In this case, before creating the short URL,
            we check if the long URL was in the DB ,else we create it.
            let url = await Url.findOne({

            // url exist and return the respose
            if (url) {
            } else {
                // join the generated short code the the base url
                const shortUrl = baseUrl + '/' + urlCode

                // invoking the Url model and saving to the DB
                url = new Url({
                    date: new Date()
        // exception handler
        catch (err) {
            res.status(500).json('Server Error')
    } else {
        res.status(401).json('Invalid longUrl')

module.exports = router

A code walkthrough for our url.js file:

6.2. The redirect route

Now that we have created a POST route that creates the short URL, we need to perform a redirect so that our short URL points to the actual URL. This is a GET request to our Node.js API to query.

Here is the code to add in the redirect.js file:

const express = require('express')

const router = express.Router()

const Url = require('../models/Url')

// : app.get(/:code)

// @route       GET /:code
// @description    Redirect to the long/original URL 
router.get('/:code', async (req, res) => {
    try {
        // find a document match to the code in req.params.code
        const url = await Url.findOne({
            urlCode: req.params.code
        if (url) {
            // when valid we perform a redirect
            return res.redirect(url.longUrl)
        } else {
            // else return a not found 404 status
            return res.status(404).json('No URL Found')

    // exception handler
    catch (err) {
        res.status(500).json('Server Error')

module.exports = router

Let’s now understand the code above. To set up a router in express, we need to import the express module and initialize the express.Router() method. This API route requires the database model we created to save the short URL that will be generated.

For this to happen, we need to import valid-url for validation and short-id that will create the unique ID for our short URL. Our localhost application will use a base URL (baseUrl variable) as http:\\localhost:5000.

We now need to extract the longUrl from our request body, validate id with the valid-url package by executing the method validUrl.isUri(baseUrl) and pass the URL as the argument.

If the URL is valid, we generate a short code using the const urlCode = shortid.generate() and append it to our base URL before saving it to the database. This process is asynchronous and that is why we use promises or async-await syntax.

7. The final ‘index.js’ entry file

const express = require("express")
const app = express()

// Database config
const connection = require('./config/db')
connection.once('open', () => console.log('DB Connected'))
connection.on('error', () => console.log('Error'))

// Routes Config
    extended: false
})) //parse incoming request body in JSON format.
app.use('/', require('./routes/redirect'))
app.use('/api/url', require('./routes/url'))

//Listen for incoming requests
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000
app.listen(PORT, console.log(`server started, listening PORT ${PORT}`))

To make our routes work, we have to use a middleware pattern such as Express. Middleware functions have access to request (req) and response object (res) in the application’s request-response cycle. This explains the app.use() methods.

The first middleware allows our application to parse incoming request data format in JSON format. The app.use('/', require('./routes/redirect')) is the base URI that will configure the redirect route.

In our POST route, the base URL is /api/url and the middleware as app.use('/api/url', require('./routes/url')). Next, we need to test the application in Postman.

8. A working demo in Postman

Demo GIF

Kindly check the source code in my GitHub repository here.

9. Conclusion

Having a link management platform will let you harness the power of sharing, managing, and analyzing links. Billions of links are created every year on the internet and a URL shortener service is useful especially in social media marketing.

In this tutorial, we created a simple URL shortener service using Node.js and MongoDB as the database. I hope you find this tutorial helpful.

Happy coding!

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